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Get to know the SUSIEE partners: United Nurseries of Józsefváros (JEB) 

United Nurseries of Józsefváros (JEB) provide day care for young children from 20 weeks to 3 years of age and until 31 August after the age of 3, in seven locations with 492 spaces.

The admission of a child to the nursery starts with a visit to the institution, followed by a family visit by the educators and a gradual introduction to the nursery. These meetings are an opportunity for parents to get to know their child's own educator, the principles and practices of nursery care and education, and for the educator to get to know the child and his or her individual habits with the help of the parents, thus facilitating the child's acceptance of the new environment.

Age-appropriate, modern nutrition, including dietary meals for children with possible food intolerances, is provided, as all our nurseries have their own cooking kitchen.

The aim of our nursery care and education is to promote the child's physical and mental harmony and balanced development. The professional excellence of our day nurseries is ensured by modern buildings, age-appropriate daily schedules and facilities, and a highly trained and experienced staff with a love for children.

In a loving, safe and family atmosphere, each child can develop according to his or her own abilities, experience the joy of free and joyful play, and enrich his or her world of experience and imagination, which enables him or her to think creatively and develop further.

United Nurseries of Józsefváros works in collaboration with families, respecting their right to privacy, and engaging them in the education of children so that children become open to the world, independent, healthy and accept the fundamental rules of coexistence.

The following services are provided against a fee:

• temporary child care service (according to your individual needs, in all of our 7 nursery).

The following services are provided free of charge:

• playhouse, family afternoon,

• development tools, rental of basic child care equipment,

• preventive development programs,

• counselling by a psychologist,

• child care at home,

• services provided by the Biztos Kezdet Gyerekház (Safe Start Children’s House).


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SUSIEE: Sustainability and interculturality in 0-3 early childhood education and care

(Project Number 2023-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000153355) is a strategic partnership within the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. It is a school education project, financed through the Spanish National Agency, SEPIE.
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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