"SUSIEE – Sustainability and Interculturality in 0-3 Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)" is an Erasmus+ project focused on sustainability and interculturality. It includes seven partners, both organizations and schools based in three countries: UPV/EHU (coordinator), Haurreskolak, and La Xixa in Spain; PH – Partners Hungary Foundation; JEB: Unified Nurseries of Józsefváros in Hungary; and CESIE and Naturalmente in Italy.
Susiee Project explores and creates innovative methods to foster a sustainable and intercultural education for Early Childhood.

Context and needs
There are very few resources developed for 0-3 Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in the Erasmus program; most focus on children aged 3 and older. However, the EU Bauhaus Initiative emphasizes the importance of promoting a sustainable and inclusive society from an early age. In 2022, the GreenComp was introduced to define sustainability as a key competence for learners and educators. The SUSIEE project was created to address this gap.

Needs of the project according to consortium research:
Development of new methodologies, tools, and activities for professionals in ECEC to work with children and support families to address sustainability from an intercultural perspective.
Trained Early Childhood Education staff in non-formal and innovative methodologies.
Provision of tools for families with children aged 0 to 3 to face inclusion challenges.
Increase awareness in education professionals on mastering sustainable and intercultural perspectives.
Revise the current EU quality framework for 0-3 ECEC from an intercultural and sustainability perspective.

Target groups
Stakeholders involved in ECEC of 0-3 children in contexts of high presence of migrant and ethnic minority families:
Professional staff working with 0-3 children.
Families with children 0-3
Health workers and social workers related to ECEC
Organizations related to ECEC
One of the aims of this project is to develop the Susiee method, based on the integration of sustainability and interculturality in early childhood education considering Positive Parenting and Enthnopedriatic as relevant ECEC approaches. To build this new methodology we will bring together disciplines with an intersectional and community focus like:
Theatre of the Oppressed
Process Oriented Psychology
Digital Theatre
The Work That Reconnects,
in dialog with methodologies focused on inclusion and conflict resolution like Identity Theory and Critical incident methodology.