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Image by Gautam Arora


Discover the results from the Susiee Project, crafted during its implementation.


"The Susiee Guide" is already available!



Susiee Guide.
A Guide on intercultural and sustainable ECEC practices, analysis of legislation and curricula

The Susiee Guide provides comprehensive insights on intercultural and sustainable Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) practices, including a thorough analysis of relevant legislation and curricula. It contains an introductory text, conceptualizations, best practices, content analysis of legislation and curricula, and policy recommendations.


Susiee Handbook
For educators and professionals

The Susiee Handbook is an accessible toolkit for promoting sustainability in intercultural contexts. It includes an introductory text, theoretical framework, foundations for using the Susiee method to address GreenComp competence areas, and a 20-hour workshop learning path with 10 activities for integrating sustainability and interculturality into the ECEC curriculum. It also provides how-to guides for creating intercultural and sustainable activities, generating and facilitating professional-led and peer-to-peer WhatsApp support groups, 10 activities to work with children, 5 activities to work with families, and additional useful resources.


Susiee Digital Platform
For families with children aged 0-3

The Susiee Family App, designed for families with young children, is based on intercultural and sustainable ECEC perspectives. It integrates Google Translate to support families with linguistic difficulties, offering guidelines and resources on positive parenting, home-to-ECEC transition, and accompanying the child in ECEC. The app also provides access to professional and peer-to-peer support groups on WhatsApp.

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SUSIEE: Sustainability and interculturality in 0-3 early childhood education and care

(Project Number 2023-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000153355) is a strategic partnership within the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. It is a school education project, financed through the Spanish National Agency, SEPIE.
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


All content available on this website is Creative Commons under attribution, share alike, non-commercial license.

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