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About the SUSIEE Pilots in Hungary

Updated: Jan 23

On 19 and 20 November, we held the SUSIEE (Sustainability and Interculturality in Early Childhood Education and Care) training for our early childhood educators and the staff of the Sure Start Children's House. The training was conducted by three trainers, Éva Deák, Ivett Kovács from Partners Foundation and Zsuzsanna Komjáthy from JEB. Andrea Gebri, special needs teacher, and Csenge Mahut, deputy head of day care, were involved in the preparatory work. 

On the first day of the training, the objectives and the framework of the training were presented to the participants. Then we started working together with games that created a safe atmosphere for the participants. After setting the mood, we worked in small groups of 3 to answer the question "Who wants to know what?"  "Who is interested in the topic and why?" After listening to the motivations of the participants, we got to know better the concepts of inclusion, intercultural and sustainability education, identity and citizenship/ child participation in practice through each other's daily work by clarifying the theoretical concepts.

After lunch, the game "One Step Forward" was used to illustrate the severity of the determinants of social, socio-economic status and family characteristics. Then, using the critical incident method, we looked at everyday life situations that help us understand the experiences and actions of people around us. At the end of the day, through a closing circle, participants shared their experiences (positive and negative) and the new things they had learned.

On the second day, to get in the mood and to show diversity, we each chose a colourful button from a box and then listened to each other explain why we chose that button. The focus of the day was on activities that gave the early childhood educators the opportunity to learn about practices that they could adapt in their work at the nursery and use with parents. Some examples of the activities that were learned during the training. With children: family book, songs of folk music. With parents: my nursery book, family mandala. Emotional and communication education: communication cards and picture agenda, stories.

After the activities they learned, the participants worked in small groups to prepare exercises that could be used in the nursery group, using a template for the activity plan. While presenting the plans, we touched on topics related to what they could bring into their own groups and how they could adapt what they had learned so far. 

The next programme was led by Zsuzsa László, who is the professional leader of REYN (Roma Early Years Network) and a staff member of Partners Hungary. Zsuzsa introduced the participants to the Persona Doll method, a sensitizing method for professionals who can play a key role in improving the everyday life of disadvantaged children through the use of this method. 

To conclude the training, we were curious to see what everyone had got out of the training and what they would take away from this day of images.

Some thoughts from the participants:

"For me, this course was a very positive experience. I learned a lot about different cultures. I am happy that I was able to improve my knowledge." -Timi

"I am glad that I was able to participate in this training. I found it useful in my profession and I was also able to get a lot of practical tips." - Tamara

"Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this training. For me, there was a lot of useful information that I will be happy to incorporate into my everyday life, e.g. the weekly draft and the family notebook, the latter with several templates." - Vivien

"I liked that it was not the "typical" training where you just sit and listen to the speaker.  The fact that we were thinking about the topics on our own was something I liked because I like to see the background of things. But that was also why it was more difficult for me towards the end of the day, because you get more tired when you think for yourself. I would also mention that I never felt for a moment that my words and thoughts were going to fall on deaf ears. And I will not be judged for the way I feel and the way I think. The topic of the training itself raised important questions and thoughts in me. It made me realise that we have an even bigger role to play in children's lives than I had previously thought. I also thought it was important to strengthen children's identity and personality, but the training reinforced this." - Szilvi


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SUSIEE: Sustainability and interculturality in 0-3 early childhood education and care

(Project Number 2023-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000153355) is a strategic partnership within the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. It is a school education project, financed through the Spanish National Agency, SEPIE.
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