The Haurreskolak Consortium, founded in 2003, is the public entity that manages public nursery schools for children from 0 to 2 years old and is established thanks to agreements signed between the Basque Government and local councils. It currently has a network of 238 nursery schools located in 180 municipalities in the Basque Country.
Among its main objectives are, for example, allowing the rural population access to an educational and assistance service, as well as facilitating and promoting, from the beginning of the educational action, the appropriate conditions to guarantee bilingualism in the two official languages of the Basque Country.
The main objective of Early Childhood Education is the integral and harmonious development of all boys and girls in all their dimensions - physical, emotional, sexual, affective, social, cognitive and artistic - always guaranteeing their well-being.
Our stage (0-2 years) is one of the most important in the life of a boy or girl.
At the Haurreskolak Consortium, an active methodology is used. The central axis of learning is play, discovery and experimentation, which we base on autonomous movement.
Since the boy or girl is a person with abilities, he or she is the protagonist of his or her own learning and the educator becomes his or her travelling companion.
We give great importance to the environments for the integral and harmonious development of boys and girls, creating and promoting safe spaces, offering materials based on needs, quiet spaces... creating and promoting communication situations.

We respect the needs and rights of the boy or girl. We follow the rhythms of the child and start from their interests to prepare the environment.
Education is based on coeducation and the Basque language because the Haurreskolak Consortium has a Basque and inclusive character.
Since the personality, characteristics and educational needs of each individual can be diverse, at the Haurreskolak Consortium we respond to diversity.
We promote the participation of the entire educational community (families, educators, haurreskolak staff, town councils, other institutions...) as an important part of the child development process. Personalized attention is provided and the relationship we maintain with families is direct and daily.
