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Get to know the SUSIEE partners: APS Naturalmente

APS Naturally was founded in 2017 with the ambition to promote the centrality and importance of the active human being through experiences in nature and with nature.

At the base of our education is respect for the individual, understood as a real understanding of the fact that each of us is unique, unrepeatable and genuine.

Our educational choice is based on the principles of outdoor education, in which in order to grow in synergy with Nature it is necessary to live it in all its moments and seasons. For these reasons, one of our peculiarities is the possibility of learning and enjoying time and space outside, in our garden or in the forest in front of us.

Our educational paradigm requires us to jealously and generously nurture the characteristics that each of us possesses in our own selves, recognizing and cultivating the innate talents with which all individuals, by nature, are endowed, especially children. The research, knowledge and care of talents is, in this evolutionary phase of the individual, fundamental for the future of the same.

Our teaching focuses on contact, respect and the ability to live in synergy with Nature. Children are always placed at the centre of educational action in all its aspects: cognitive, affective, relational, bodily, aesthetic and ethical. In the awareness of the relationship that unites culture, school and person, the general purpose of our association is the harmonious and integral development of the person in respect and enhancement of individual diversity with the active involvement of families.

The project "The Little House in the Woods" aimed at children from 0 to 6 years old, aims to promote the development of identity, autonomy, competence and initiates them to citizenship.

Consolidating identity means serenely living all the dimensions of one's self; being well, being reassured in the multiplicity of one's doing and feeling, feeling safe in the school environment, learning to know oneself and being recognized as a unique and unrepeatable person.

Developing autonomy means having confidence in yourself and trusting others; feeling satisfaction in doing it yourself and knowing how to ask for help or being able to express dissatisfaction and frustration by progressively developing answers and strategies; expressing feelings and emotions; participating in decisions by expressing opinions, learning to make choices and to assume increasingly conscious behaviours and attitudes.

Acquiring skills means playing, moving, manipulating, browsing, asking questions, learning to reflect on experience through exploration, observation and comparison; it means listening, understanding, recounting and recalling actions and experiences; being able to describe, represent and imagine situations and events.

Living the first experiences of citizenship means discovering the other, attributing importance to others and their needs; introducing the exercise of dialogue that is based on the reciprocity of listening, attention to the point of view of the other; the first recognition of equal rights and duties for all; it means laying the foundations of a behavior that respects others, the environment and nature.

Learning takes place through action, exploration, contact with objects, nature, art, territory. The "slow" time allows the child to live his day with serenity, to play, explore, talk, understand, feel master of himself and of the activities he experiences and in which he exercises.

In order to succeed in supporting the child in the conscious growth of themselves, others and their abilities, we carry out targeted daily activities, prepared and carried out by our specialized staff with the help of experts in English Language, Philosophy, Yoga, Permaculture. The presence of an educational garden, aromatic herbs, and the chicken coop completes the experiential offer for the child.

More about APS NaturalMente


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